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Society of Ancients

The Society of Ancients is run by volunteers for the benefit of our growing membership world-wide. We publish a bi-monthly journal, Slingshot, and sponsor various events, including wargames tournaments. Our stand can be seen at many wargames shows in the United Kingdom and abroad.

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#105 "Strategies and Tactics of the Hundred Years War - part 3, The Burgundian Armies of 1476 - part 2, British Cavalry of the Dark Ages, Hoplite Warfare and Hellenistic Warfare"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#108 "Mayan Armies, The Attacotti - Part 2, Strategies and Tactics of the Hundred Years War - Part 5, The Campaign of Ain Jalut 1260"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#133 "Warfare of the Anglo-Norman Period 1066-1181, Medieval Warfare, Junkelmann's Legionaries - fascinating modern-day experiment"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#134 "Comitatus, A Forced River Crossing, A Punic War Game"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#135 "Megiddo!, Painting for Beginners, Vinland the Good"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#136 "And God Deserted the Franks, King Amalric's Invasion of Egypt"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#222 "Cancon 2002, Wargaming the Early Bronze Age, Mapuche Armies"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#223 "Besieging Philistine Gath, The Picts - A Fresh View, Some Thoughts on the Development of Caledonian"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#224 "Hunting With Hungarians, Troy - From Homer to the Hittites, The Best Laid Schemes"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#233 "Sasanian Armies, Empire of Hatun-Colla, Campaign and Battle of Paraetacene"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#235 "Ancient Korea Part 2, Procopius I - XVIII, King Minchcaman"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#239 "The Damned Devil Janos, Pre-Islamic Indonesia, The Ancient Canari Army of South America"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#240 "Angevin Armies, Cavalry Formations in the Greek Tactical Tradition, The Battle of Hydapses Part 1"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#257 "The Olympias Trireme Reconstruction, Mesopotamian Warfare Notes, Use of Elephants in Mainland Southeast Asia"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#272 "The Battle of Chalons, New Works on Early Byzantine History, Are Slingshot Not Slingshot"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#322 "The Campaign and Battle of Telamon, The Society's UK DBA League, Messing About in Boats"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#324 "DBA - Improving the Simulation, Early Japanese Army, Battle Day Reports"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#334 "Sea Eagles of Empire, T'Ang Fastic Outpos, Arthurian Campaign"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#61 "The Fleets of Ancient Egypt (part 2), The Magonid Wars - First Stage, The Case for the Galloping Housecarls"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#83 "The Battle of Corbi, Parthians, Pike and Shield"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#84 "The Generalship of Darius III, Basic Tactics"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#92 "Constantine III, Mongol Auxiliary Troops"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#93 "The Mauryans at War, Ancient Iron & Bronze Weapons"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#100 "Results of 1981 Wargames Championship, The First Emperor of China, Cross and Crescent"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#102 "Society AGM for 1982, Tactics on the Wargames Table, Random Factor in WRG Rules"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#103 "Guardroom, The Desert Campaign, Ars of the Crusaders"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#104 "The Raid on Holsblicum, Second Phase of the Hundred Years War, Beyond the Mainstream Wargame"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#106 "Turcopoles and Crusaders, The Attacotti - part 1, Burgundian Armies of 1476 - part 3, African Vandals and their Tactics, Strategies and Tactics of the Hundred Years War - part 4"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#107 "Wargames Forum, History Is Accepted Fiction, Mayan Armies"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#110 "1983 Society AGM, Death Never Takes the Wise Man by Surprise, Under the Flag of Yar Lung"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#111 "The Army of Judah at the Siege of Lachish c699BC, The Heroic Age"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#113 "Roman Siege Engineering 14-180AD, Greek Tactical Developments in the Early 4th Century BC, Dark Age Longbows?"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#114 "The French Battle Plan for Agincourt, The Mongol Myth, The Evolution of the Roman Legion - part 1"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#115 "Mitanni, The Evolution of the Roman Legion - part 2, English Archery of the Longbow Period - part 1"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#116 "The Maurikian Byzantines, The Strategikon Et Al, Thoughts of Szwaba"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#117 "A Survey of Early Germanic Warfare, The Evolution of the Roman Legion - part 4"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

(name inside)

#118 "Mons Graupuis - Search for a Battlefield, A Survey of Early Germanic Warfare 2, Some Further Notes on Dark Age Longbows, Procopius on the Cavalry of Belisarius"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#119 "Almost the Real Thing - Dark Age Weapons and Tactics in Modern Reconstruction, The Last of the Romans - Aetius and the Army of the Western Empire"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#120 "The Maniple and the Cohort, The Last of the Romans - part 2 - The Army of Aetius 423-454, Later Roman Shield Designs"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#121 "20th Anniversary Issue, A Letter for Slingshot, Twenty Years After"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#122 "Geoffrey Whiting, Literature Review, Time Place and National Character"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#123 "W.R.G. 7th Edition Analyzed, The Battle of Maldon"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#124 "The Sword and the Computer, Naval Battles of the Peloponnesian War"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#125 "Tactical Advice, The Nikephorian Byzantines"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients


#127 "Augustus' War in Spain, The Notion of Realism in Wargames"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#129 "Italian Communal Armies, The Mongol Myth Restored"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#130 "Tamberlaine, Conycatcher, Pontic Scenario"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#132 "The Axumites of Ethiopia, Medieval Forum"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

(lightly notated)

#137 "Specifically About Generals, And God Deserted the Franks, Centurion Review"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#138 "Myths of History and Wargaming, Flank Attack!"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#141 "Minute of the 1988 Annual General Meeting, The Stuff of Legend, Then Let Them Drink"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#142 "Generalship at the Battle of Zama, Cimon's Army, The Matrix Game"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#143 "A Defeated Race, A Guide to the Chariot, Gerry's Wargaming World"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#144 "The Army of Hannibal and the Forces of Rome, Omens and Religious Influences on the Art of Generalship in the Central Mediterranean, Kashabu"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#146 "The Appearance of the Medieval Welsh, Forum on Huns"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#147 "Artaxerxes at Cunaxa, Vexatious Velites, Rome's Campaigns in Wales in the 1st Century AD, Byzantine Complexities II"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#149 "Late Bronze Age Economics, The History of the Hebrews, A Parthian Shot"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#150 "The Development of the Hebrew Army, Teutonic Strategy (part 2), The Byzantine Art of War 950-1071, The Fatimid Army"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients

#151 "25th Anniversary Issue, Troy Again!, The Hypaspists of Alexander the Great"

By: Society of Ancients

Product Line: Slingshot - The Official Journal of the Society of the Ancients