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Red Moon Medicine Show

Red Moon Medicine Show specializes in table-top role-playing games and other obscure pastimes. When crafting these games, they follow a philosophy that they call "patient creation." They like to take things nice and slow and make sure that anything bearing their name is packed to the gills with as much attention to detail as they can muster. Their eclectic influences result in games that are a blend of old-school nostalgia and cutting edge game design. Clint Krause is a doer of odd jobs, a daddy, a writer, and a game designer. He's been involved with the small press RPG scene since about 2004.

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1-8 of 8 Products

#1 "Evangelism, The Ghoul Market, Meat the Skinsmith"

By: Red Moon Medicine Show

Product Line: Vacant Ritual Assembly Zine

#2 "d66 Nambe Table, Birthsigns, Dretcher's Bay"

By: Red Moon Medicine Show

Product Line: Vacant Ritual Assembly Zine

#3 "The Legend of Dragon Trench, Crawling the Trench, Knights of the Dragon Clan"

By: Red Moon Medicine Show

Product Line: Vacant Ritual Assembly Zine

#5 "Koster's Knob,Weedwise Wizarding, The Ritualist"

By: Red Moon Medicine Show

Product Line: Vacant Ritual Assembly Zine

#6 "Grigoro's Wonders Untold, From Dunnholt It Rises, The Gallows on Heretic Hill"

By: Red Moon Medicine Show

Product Line: Vacant Ritual Assembly Zine

Stygian Garden of Abelia Prem

By: Red Moon Medicine Show

Product Line: Roleplaying Games (Red Moon Medicine Show)

#4 "The Abstract, The Lotus Eater, Oolai Cloth-Skins"

By: Red Moon Medicine Show

Product Line: Vacant Ritual Assembly Zine

Don't Walk in Winter Wood

Don't Walk in Winter Wood

By: Red Moon Medicine Show

Stock #: RMMS2000

Product Line: Roleplaying Games (Red Moon Medicine Show)