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Lace Wars Series #9 - War of the Hats - A Lesser Wrath

By: Red Sash Games

Type: Boxed Game

Product Line: War Games (Professional) (Red Sash Games)

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MSRP old price: $114.00

Product Info

Lace Wars Series #9 - War of the Hats - A Lesser Wrath
Ian Weir
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #
Age Range
14 Years and Up
# Players
2 Players
Game Length
1200 Minutes


A Lesser Wrath is a 2-player 18th century tactical battle game. It covers the Russian-Swedish "War of the Hats" for 1741-1743. It is the ninth installment in the Lace Wars saga.

Late Summer in the Baltic, 1741. A revanchist Swedish political party has taken power and declared war on a politically unstable Russia.

As the commander of the Swedish forces massing in Finland, can you prevent an angry Bear from preempting your own plans? Can you hold the Russians at bay long enough for your misguided political leaders to come to terms with them? Or, can you successfully command Sweden's enemies? Can you, as commander of the punitive expedition against the Swedes in Finland, drive them out of the country and secure Finland as a buffer state against future aggression?

Whichever side you choose, glory and honour are yours for the taking. Provided you avoid court martial and disgrace

A Lesser Wrath (the Finns' name for the Russian Occupation that resulted from the war) is a two-player game. The Russians had some 70,000 men against Sweden's 30,000, but only half the Russian force actually fought in Finland. Scale is operational, with counters representing battalions and regiments, or assets such as pioneers and artillery batteries. Forces are concentrated in a few formations which maneuver across a map, regulated by a hex grid. Battle and Siege will be required to defeat the enemy.

The goal is to acquire Prestige, mainly through the capture of key locations. Game end is independent of your personal Prestige score, being based on various political factors (although the locations you capture or hold do affect the conditions for ending the game).

In addition to the scenarios provided there is a Grand Campaign game, suitable for four players. Playing this, however, requires ownership of A Lesser Wrath's companion naval game, Somar Skrala, and the rules for the campaign are found in that game.


  • A full color 18x36 inch map
  • Over 480 game pieces
  • 1 Rulebook

    NOTE: This game does not contain the historical Commentary book usually included with Lace Wars games.