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#9 "A Look at 4th Edition, C&C Adventure - Slippery Slope"

By: Troll Lord Games

Type: Magazine

Product Line: Crusader, The - The Journal of the Intrepid Adventurer

Product Info

#9 "A Look at 4th Edition, C&C Adventure - Slippery Slope"
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #


Volume 3, Number 9
Cover Art by Milivoj Ceran

Special Features:

The Dweomercraefter’s Den
By Jeffrey P. Talanian with Gary Gygax
Jeffrey worked with Gary in all things Castle Zagyg and fast become his right hand in the project. Here Jeffrey remembers Gary Gygax and discusses this massive undertaking: Castle Zagyg.

Special Guest Tum Tullis From Fat Dragon Games
Tum Tullis gives us some cool samples of card modeling.

Trolls at Work a comic by Jason Walton and Steve Chenault
Snits from Tom Wham

Regular Columns:

How it All Happened: Ghostly Happenings II
by E. Gary Gygax
Still in the house on Dodge St. young Gygax, awash in the mad meanderings of Poe and with his cat Queball in hand, encounters the haunting for a second time.

Alea iacta est or The Die is Cast: 4e
by Stephen Chenault
It’s a brave new world and the there’s another version of the world’s most popular role playing game. Steve takes a look at it and the market in general.

Auld Wyrmish: The Depths of the Rynth
by Mike Stewart
“Where did all those dungeons come from? Why are they full of Monsters and Treasures? What are their foul purpose?” All is revealed, True Believer!

Hammer & Anvil: Campaign Setting: Environs, Part I
by Casey Cannfield
Using the campaign theme developed in #8, I begin developing the basic geography of the campaign setting, starting locally and working outward. Maps and high-level area descriptions will be provided to enhance the description of the creative process.

The Aihrdian Chronicles: Of Trees and Trolls
by Stephen Chenault
The Lothian Prince returns to the Ineng Tree only to learn that it is more than he ever imagined. Of the origins of Trolls.

The Angry Gamer returns and more!