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#19 "Wargods Scenario - Temple of Dusk, Ultra Realistic Terrain"

By: Griffin Miniatures

Type: Magazine

Product Line: Harbinger Magazine

Last Stocked on 2/19/2024

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#19 "Wargods Scenario - Temple of Dusk, Ultra Realistic Terrain"
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WARGODS, SACRILEGE AT THE TEMPLE OF DUSK – The sun is setting and its dying rays are lighting the eye of Ra. Can the attackers destroy the eye and kill the daughter of the Phoenix or can the defenders hold out until dark? A Wargods scenario by Corey Somavia.

ARENA OF DEATH! – Check out Dragonrune Miniatures new fast paced combat game. Everything you need to know to start playing RIGHT NOW!

URBAN WAR, GRUDGE MATCH – Andy Murray and Chris Dearman bring you a battle report from their Vasa versus Viridian conflagration. Who won, who lost, what was the key moment? Read and find out. Learn from their successes and their mistakes!

CONFRONTATION, KELTS OF THE SESSAIRS CLAN PART I – Graham Clarke continues his dissection of the Rackham world.

WARGODS, STRENGTH AND HONOUR – Peter Baxter gives you the inns and outs of Heru tactics and strategy. Read and learn pilgrim! It might just keep your blood off the sands!

REZOLUTION – A more in depth look at Aberrant Games’ new skirmish-fest. Detailing abilities and their uses – get the edge this month!

STRIKE, THE 7th SCENARIO FOR THE GUXISS ONLINE CAMPAIGN – Attack on a terra-forming colony! Can the defenders hold out or will the attackers succeed in overrunning the installation and learning its secrets?

MASTERCLASS CONVERSIONS, BASES – Paul Batchelor bring you a quick, easy and above all cheap technique for basing you minis! A life saver when you have a whole army to get through!

MASTERCLASS TERRAIN, ULTRA REALISTIC TERRAIN FOR LITTLE MEN – Chris Abbey tries his hand at creating the most realistic terrain possible – the steps or hexes here, this is the real deal in miniature form!

SPOTLIGHT ON, SACRED BLADE MINIATURES – Peter Shepheard gives you a little insight into the world of Sacred Blade, if you’ve heard of them learn more, if you haven’t now’s your chance to see some of the coolest minis on the market.

ART OF WAR, BEYOND THE BATTLE GROUP, EXPANDING A CYGNAR ARMY – Andy Leask examines what to once you’ve got your Cygnar battle group together. A ‘Where do I go from here’ for Privateer’s Warmachine.

Plus all the usual news, review, previews and your very own miniatures in the showcase!