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#21 "Mysterious Khemi, The Town of Tanoren"

By: Mongoose Publishing

Type: Magazine

Product Line: Signs & Portents Magazine (d20)

Last Stocked on 12/5/2019

Product Info

#21 "Mysterious Khemi, The Town of Tanoren"
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Issue 21 of Signs & Portents brings another exciting first for your favorite RPG magazine. We have a centre spread reversible Starship Troopers poster featuring the great new wargame box cover by Vincent Dutrait on one side and a Know Your Foes Mobile Infantry poster on the other. How cool is that? And that’s not all…

The Town of Tanoren – Those of you waiting patiently for Lone Wolf articles need wait no longer. This first article provides in-depth background to Tanoren, a typical Magnamund settlement and is a prequel to a special Lone Wolf scenario set in the town next issue!

Quickly Building A Mighty Army – Nervous of committing yourself to a new Mighty Army? Unsure of just what is involved? Read on and all will be revealed. After this it will seem like plain sailing.

Khemi – Home of the sinister Stygian cult of Set, Khemi is a favorite Hyborian location, brought to life by Vincent Darlage. Follow in Conan’s footsteps and let the streets run red, or alternatively embrace the ways of Set and drive the unbelievers from the land!

Faith Manages – Shannon Kalvar looks at a new selection of lifestyle feats with a religious slant. Just right for those more subtle characters who don’t just want to shoot the nearest Shadow.

A Breed Apart – Anybody who has seen Hondo with John Wayne knows what a real Wild West dog can do. Now’s your chance to create your own best friend who will never let you down, and if the going gets tough you can always eat him.

Midnight Story – New short fiction from Sidney Kuhn, this is more of a Cat’s Tail really…

Alligator Jack’s Bayou Bastion – Likely winner of Best S&P Article Title, this new Jeremiah feature looks at voodoo in the bayou. Come on down, y’all, for some real Southern Comfort!

Warriors of Midgard – Just in case you Slaine players were feeling left out, here’s the first of a massive three-parter detailing new character classes for your favorite Celtic RPG. First off it’s savage berserkers from the north.

Derailed – If you enjoyed the Breakout Control setting from S&P15 then you are going to love this. So shocking and disturbing that Matt Sharp had to seek counseling from Monty the Mongoose after he edited it!

Add in the usual mix of Jonny Nexus, Inside the Chainmail Bra and Design & Conquer and it’s another exciting issue of Signs & Portents, the magazine about which the legendary Gary Gygax said: ‘I was impressed with the quality of production, layout, art, and content. Congratulations!’