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#6 "Judge Dredd Scenario, Conan RPG"

By: Mongoose Publishing

Type: Magazine

Product Line: Signs & Portents Magazine (d20)

Product Info

#6 "Judge Dredd Scenario, Conan RPG"
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #



Of Chariots and Acheronians
Conan is nearly here and we thought we would cheer him in with an exclusive new race, along with rules for their preferred mode of transport. Follow in the steps of the evil Xaltotun. After all, it was a time of war…

More Most Wanted – Fergee
Some villains are stinkers and some are real stinkers. Then there’s Fergee. Learn more about the smelliest man in Mega-City One with Matt Sharp.

Interview with a Director
Want to know a bit more about what makes Mongoose tick. Learn what the Throne of Power is and what it can do in this revealing interview. Keep an eye open for Monty.

Serving the House
Centauri females have been something of a neglected group, when you consider all the things that Minbari ladies can get up to, for example. All that changes as Lizard offers a whole new career for Centauri females, and you can bet it involves death and mayhem. The chaps aren’t neglected, either, as we also get the facilitator, the Centauri equivalent of the ‘mover and shaker’.

Gaming Symposium
Celebrating the Season – Clearly still in the party spirit, Shannon Kalvar discusses how festivals begin and where you can take them. From now on you won’t have to call everything a Bank Holiday. Get yourself educated with the smartest column around.

Power Class: Crusader
The latest Power Class introduces the Crusader, a resolute individual intent on rooting out evil wherever he finds it. The ultimate knight-errant if you want a character who puts his duty above his worldly possessions, then this class is for you.

A Question of Culture
No character exists in a vacuum and, as simple as it may be, all characters have a background and a place in the fantasy world that they inhabit. Characters of all races and classes are influenced by the culture they grew up in, and now, with the help of Alejandro Melchor, you can fill in that childhood background. Cultural backgrounds from Agrarian to Waterborne mean there’s plenty to choose from.

Creature Feature
More unpleasant nasties crawl out of the woodwork to terrorize your characters.

No Sudden Moves!
August Hahn looks at those tricky situations where just killing the villains is not an option. Sometimes you have to engage in conversation, whether you want to or not.

Unusual Suspects
Think of Mega-City One and you naturally think of Judge Dredd, the Justice Department, and all things law-abiding. But there’s a whole other side to the Big Meg, and plenty of creds out there waiting to just land in your lap. OK, so you may have to whack a few rivals along the way, but hey, business is business.