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#5 "Mega-City One"

By: Mongoose Publishing

Type: Magazine

Product Line: Signs & Portents Magazine (d20)

Product Info

#5 "Mega-City One"
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #



They Call Me Mister
The last in our current series on major Babylon 5 characters sees Lizard go to the dark side in the company of the enigmatic Mr. Morden. He’s the sort of guy who will buy you a dozen drinks and end up owning your soul. Better read what you can do to avoid such a fate.

Datafile: 2089 – Cryotech Suppressor
Another innovative new piece of equipment or a dangerous death trap that shouldn’t be within 20 meters of a Mek? You get to decide.

Blood of the Earth
Blood Magic is one of the most popular of our Encyclopaedia Arcane series – after all, there’s nothing like a spot of gore. In response to many requests, S&P presents three new prestige classes, the Blood Gardener, the Mistress of the Bloody Moon and the Blood Cult Initiate, three thoroughly unpleasant paths your blood mages can now follow. But that’s not all! We also have Blood Rites, a new system of drawing power from the very earth itself.

Ultimate Gameplay – Derro
Not all the little folks are cute and cuddly. Don’t go down to the Underdark alone – you have been warned.

Get It Right, Punk!
Mega-City One roleplaying doesn’t just mean hanging around with Dredd and his mates. There’s a whole wide city out there waiting to get ripped off. All you need is a start in the business.

Power Class: Charismatic
We liked the idea of Power Classes so much that we hijacked the idea for S&P. The Charismatic is the first of these; living manifestations of deities, it’s time to kick clerics into touch and commune with your god on a one-to-one basis.

Conan the Roleplaying Game
Not much longer to wait now! If you can’t wait, though, why not check out the weapons and feats that are going to make combat in Hyboria a unique experience.

Show Me The Money
If you are a mercenary in the world of Armageddon: 2089, then what you need more than anything else are clients. Lots of them, with enough money to keep your crew in missiles and bullets. Mongoose feature writer Alejandro Melchor has taken time out to provide a full system for those off-the-battlefield meetings which make all the difference on it.

Caves of the Magi
Not every scenario needs to be an epic in its own right. Sometimes what you need is an insert between adventures, and this is it! Take a little field trip down to the local caves and meet the inhabitants.

Jonny Nexus
Our regular columnist handles the arduous task of actually acknowledging the festive season. Join him as he provides advice on how and where to ambush the Christmas sleigh; after all, there’s the security features to consider, plus all Santa’s special feats. This is no easy knock-off.