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Atlantis - The Second Age Collection - 4 Books!

By: Khepera Publishing

Type: Collection

Product Line: Atlantis - The Second Age

MSRP old price: $74.80

Product Info

Atlantis - The Second Age Collection - 4 Books!
Kieran Turley, Elizabeth Chaipraditkul, Jerry D. Grayson
NKG Part #


This collection comes with three full-length adventures for Atlantis: The Second Age and Theragraphica, the final companion book.

This collection includes:

  • ATLANTIS: The Dark Below
  • ATLANTIS: The Pirate Queens of Sheba
  • ATLANTIS: The Raven Braid
  • Theragraphica

    ATLANTIS: The Dark Below

    The fortress-island of Sargon’s Spur dominates the southern edge of the Sargasso Sea. But all is not well on the scholarly retreat; the great pinnacle lies under siege by a Makara horde while beneath the waves something inconceivably ancient and evil stirs from its timeless sleep. Can the heroes discover the secret of Sargon's Spur, and more importantly, can they survive to tell the tale?

    ATLANTIS: The Pirate Queens of Sheba

    Entangled in a web of intrigue spanning the Sheban criminal underworld and the gleaming halls of the Queen’s royal palace. The heroes fight, sail, and plunder across the scintillating island kingdom of Sheba in their attempt at stopping the rapacious pirate queen Zenobia.

    ATLANTIS: The Raven Braid

    An infernal hunger spreads across the lands consuming everything in its path and the only thing that can stop it is a weapon used by a repentant tribe of stranglers. Finding and using the weapon is the only hope the heroes have at stopping the pestilences that threatens to engulf the Turani lands of the East.


    The Theragraphica is the final companion book for the role-playing game Atlantis: The Second Age. The Theragraphica details the adversaries and creatures that stalk the antediluvian world once ruled by the kingdom of Atlantis. The lavishly illustrated book details creatures of cultural myths from around the world, each keyed to a distinct region to help immerse the players in the world of ATLANTIS. With the Theragraphica, no longer will the heroes battle generic monsters with no cultural grounding.