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#13 w/Young Marshall 1935

By: Formosa Force Games (Board Wargame)

Type: Magazine

Product Line: Board Wargame Magazine w/Games

Last Stocked on 12/13/2023

Product Info

#13 w/Young Marshall 1935
Publish Year
NKG Part #


"Marshal" is a historical and political conflict game for 3 players. Players play the main representatives of the three camps of the Kuomintang KMT, the Communist Party CCP, and the Northeastern Army NEA at the end of the first KMT civil war. They must manage their hand and use the best negotiating portfolio to get the most victory points. Cards in the game have no text requirements and are easy to learn. Each game takes 1-2 hours.

"Young Marshal" is a total of 6 conference rounds per negotiation session and 2 action periods. In the "negotiation period", players use the cards in the hands of officers and staff cards to negotiate. There are four different topics: military, economic, political, and diplomacy. During the action period, the military negotiations obtained can eliminate enemy units, economic negotiations can increase friendly units, political negotiations can adjust the relationship between the KMT and the local government, and diplomatic negotiations can adjust relations between Japan and the Soviet Union.

Units can occupy areas that have victory points. Compliance can trigger major historical events. Three people must compete and cooperate with each other to get the most victory points. Be careful! The negotiations without conclusions may cause the Japanese troops to occupy North China and let the game end earlier.