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#21 "Special Medieval Wedding Issue"

By: Renaissance Magazine

Type: Magazine

Product Line: Renaissance Magazine #01-50

Last Stocked on 2/3/2018

Product Info

#21 "Special Medieval Wedding Issue"
Publish Year
NKG Part #



The Royal Weddings of Henry VIII

Henry did not always mark his weddings with great celebrations, banquets, or balls, partly because several of his marriages were either clandestine or overshadowed by other events. Still, a man of Henry's reputation certainly contradicted his own nature by surrounding his nuptials with few of the trappings, jollifications, and merriments of which he was so fond.

44 Ways to Make History on your Wedding Day

If you'd like to celebrate your wedding day in an exceptional manner, filled with the fantasy-themed style that the true romantic favors, here are 44 renaissance-inspired suggestions, designed to add "days of yore" flare to your special day.

Romantic Castle Get-A-Ways

Castles--for centuries they have filled our imaginations with visions of romance, legend, drama and scenic beauty. Young girls dream of marrying their Prince Charming in a glamorous setting, and while most will never meet that princely figure, they can sample a bit of the grand life by marrying in an authentic castle.

Dressing the Part: Medieval-Inspired Gowns for the 21st-Century Bride

Have Your Wedding at the Faire!

More than ever, Renaissance Faires are ready to help you celebrate your wedding in period fashion. Here is a survey of the Faires that offer wedding services.

Renaissance Magazine's 2001 Wedding Photo Contest Winners

Renaissance Magazine's 2001 Medieval Bridal Registry