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1776 (Unbound Reprint)

By: Bruce Monnin

Type: Softcover

Product Line: Boardgamer's Unofficial Guides

Last Stocked on 1/9/2021

Product Info

1776 (Unbound Reprint)
Publish Year
NKG Part #


This 88-page guide to 1776 is filled with scenarios, variants, strategy articles and series replays contributed by various veteran players of this game. The following articles are included:

The American Revolution - and the Boardgaming Hobby. Rod Coffey descibes 1776's place in the American Revolution and the boardgaming hobby.

Command Pressures Revisited - Leaders For 1776. Jim Lawler updates his article from the General, providing leader rules and specific leaders for each of the 1776 scenarios, both those that came with the game and those included in this guide.

Partisan Leaders - For 1776. Jim Lawler adds partisan leaders to 1776.

1776 Elite Units, Artillery and Naval Rules - and General Rule Observations. Jim Lawler provides optional rules and rules clarifications, elite unit rules and the addition of elite units to all scenarios, artillery and fort rules, and rules to enhance all of the scenarios.

Wilmington - The Forgotten City In 1776. A variant adding the city of Wilmington by Jim Lawler.

1776 Clarifications - and PBeM Play Conventions. Rules clarifications and ideas for PBeM play by Richard Wein and Hank Burkhalter.

Trouble Areas - Realistic Supply Movement In 1776. An article analyzing differences in game play and actual historical results due to unrealistic supply movement by Gilbert Collins.

The 1776 Thesis- Strategy In 1776. An update to the old articles from Volume 16 of the General articles describing overall strategy in 1776 by Jonathan Lockwood.

A New 1776 Thesis- The 1776 Thesis Analyzed. An analysis of the 1776 Thesis article by Michael Anchors.

Contrasting Games On The Revolution - American Revolution; 13: The Colonies In Revolt; and 1776. A contrast of these three games covering the American Revolution by Gilbert Collins.

Invasion Of Canada Scenario Revisited - Modifying 1776's Scenario #1. More realistic updates to the Invasion of Canada scenario by Gilbert Collins.

The British Southern Campaign - A 1776 Scenario Using The 1776 Campaign Game Rules. A 1780 through 1781 scenario on the British Southern Campaign by Bruno Sinigaglio.

Lincoln's Southern Campaign - 1779 - Revised. Jim Lawler revises his scenario previously published in the General.

The British Dilemma - A 1776 Scenario. A scenario set in 1778 by Jim Lawler.

Montcalm And Wolfe - A 1776 Variant For The French & Indian War - 1759. Fred Sassin updates his excellent French and Indian War scenario.

The Tory and Indian War - Revised. Robert Furney updates this 1776 scenario.

1776 Revistited - A 1776 Scenario At Avaloncon. Steve Packwood describes the Saratoga scenario used at many Avaloncon/WBC tournaments.

The British Receding - A New 1776 Scenario In The South - 1781. Jim Lawler reprises his scenario set in the south in 1781.

The Carolinas - 1776 - A New Short Scenario. A short scenario provided by Michael Anchors.

The British Receding - A 1776 Series Replay. The series replay from the BOARDGAMER of The British Receding scenario by Jim Lawler and Rod Coffey. Includes use of leader and partisan leader rules.

A color insert (on sticky backed label paper) of all the additional counters mentioned in this guide.