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#73 "Robin Hood, Charms, Amulets & Talismans"

By: Renaissance Magazine

Type: Magazine

Product Line: Renaissance Magazine #051-100

Last Stocked on 6/4/2024

Product Info

#73 "Robin Hood, Charms, Amulets & Talismans"
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Robin Hood

For generations the mythical character has been a potent icon for social, economic and political commentary. We go beyond the green tights to reveal a figure with a long and complex history stretching back to the Middle Ages, and learn that he may have been quite different from the legend we encounter in books and movies today.

Secrets of the Successful Vendor

For a renaissance faire vendor, shop space is one of the largest start-up costs you'll face. Unless you plan to do all your business in buildings, a tent is in your future. We show you how to make sure the tent you buy is the best one for you, and examine price, quality, decoration, and the secret tricks of the trade.

Public Executions in Olde London Towne

You think you live in a tough neighborhood? From the tenth to the nineteenth centuries, London witnessed more than two hundred thousand executions including boiling in water, burning, decapitation by axe or sword, strangling, hanging, and drawing and quartering.

Victoria and Albert Museum's New Galleries

We take you to the grand new Medieval and Renaissance galleries at London's famed Victoria and Albert Museum. The ten new galleries house one of the world's most remarkable collections of period treasures including the Becket casket, Gothic altarpieces, the notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci, and sculpture by Donatello and Giambologna.

Charms, Amulets, and Talismans

Can physical objects influence the spirit world? We uncover the mysterious world of charms (used to bring health, good luck, happiness and protection), amulets (natural items that gave the bearer protection through magical means), and talisman (crafted objects or tables inscribed with formulaic writing, were imbued with magical properties that radiated power to protect, bringing a specific benefit to the owner).