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Tiger's Lair - WWII Combat on the Eastern Front

By: Demarcation Games

Type: Software (boxed)

Product Line: Tiger's Lair

binder format

MSRP old price: $29.95

Product Info

Tiger's Lair - WWII Combat on the Eastern Front
Product Line
Publish Year
NKG Part #
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Software (boxed)


Tiger's Lair is a software application specifically designed for use with miniatures to simulate combat during WWII on the Eastern Front. It is more than just a game for miniatures. It's a game for the gamer. It incorporates the use of PC and dice to enhance the playability of miniature war gaming. Through the use of a PC, you will not need to spend numerous hours examining dice rolls just to get through one turn of game play.

In Tiger's Lair, the computer performs countless calculations for you, thus allowing the players to enjoy a quicker game turn and more of them. You will no longer fight over the battlefield all day just to come up with an indecisive battle. You will experience three to four times am many turns of play, therefore allowing a decisive conclusion into who won forth the day.

Tiger's Lair has an extensive database built right into the program. This allows the computer to perform hundreds of calculation in a blink of an eye. The only thing that the players have to do is input specific information pertaining to their target of their troops and the computer does the rest.

Tiger's Lair performs the majority of the monotonous dice rolling for each player. But when it comes to artillery, vehicle internal damage or a unit's morale, the owning player gets to roll the dice and determine their final fate.

Game Database Highlights:
• 150 weapon types and calibers
• 10 cannon and howitzer configurations
• 5 infantry experience categories
• 7 bunker configurations
• 61 German vehicles
• 12 German aircraft
• 7 Italian Vehicles
• 7 Italian aircraft
• 5 French vehicles
• 27 Russian vehicles
• 18 Russian vehicles

Items included:
Game rules for using 15mm, 25mm & 28mm scale miniatures. One 3.5" floppy diskette with gaming software.

Items needed:
• PC
• 2 ten-sided die
• 1 eight-sided die
• 1 six-sided die
• 1 four-sided die
• measuring device (inches)
• paper & pencil
• miniatures or counters for WWII combat

System Requirements:
386,486 or Pentium computer
Windows 3.1 or better.